Jane Iredale 30år
Publisert 29/04/2024

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I 30 år har vi jobbet for å forbedre skjønnhetsindustrien og dyrket frem et felleskap av kvinner som nekter å inngå kompromisser for huden sin. Den dag i dag er jane iredale en av de reneste mineralmakeup-seriene på markedet, kjent for sin gode produktkvalitet og hudpleiende egenskaper. Vi er, og vil alltid være, 100 % uten talkum og andre tettende ingredienser.

"It’s always been more than makeup. Thank you for 30 beautiful years."

Our Story

Celebrating 30 Beautiful Years

Long before 'clean' there was 'care'. As a casting director and producer, Jane Iredale saw first-hand how conventional makeup undermined skin health and wondered, “Why can’t makeup be good for the skin?” ??The goal was lofty, but the premise was simple – create high-performance makeup that cares for skin.

With equal parts premium ingredients, skincare benefits, and no-fade performance, Jane Iredale launched a first-of-its-kind skincare makeup hybrid that revolutionized the beauty industry.?? Today, jane iredale remains the trusted choice of skincare professionals, and our ongoing commitment to helping women look and feel their best continues to resonate worldwide.

jane iredale is Beauty That Can

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